Saturday, 14 June 2014

Raft photography

Birdraft with Alen in it

Had no time for birding or photographing for almost a month because of school but today I finally got some time to write this post about little photo sessision with Alen on Medvedce reservoir previous sunday. We started early in the morning at 4.00 and end at 11.00 when the sun was so hard that photo opps were literally at zero point so the best pics were made early when the light was still soft and not overburnt.
Many birds around including numerous families of Pochards and also family of  Red-crested Pochards which had 6 youngsters. Othervise nothing really interesting to report maybe 1 Squacco Heron and  1 Mediterranian Gull.

Some photos:

 Great-crested Grebe

 Black Kite
 Ferruginous Duck
 Pair of Marsh Harriers
 Little Grebe